KANPUR: A 45-year-old mason, who had an affair with his son’s girlfriend and later eloped with her, was arrested by the police on Wednesday. The police also rescued the girl from his captivity.Kamlesh Kumar, a resident of Kanchausi village of Auraiya, works as a mason. He came to work in an under-construction house in the Chakeri area of the city in 2022 with his 22-year-old son who was having a love affair with a 20-year-old girl from the area. Later, the girl reportedly had a breakup with Kamlesh’s son and instead had an affair with him. Kamlesh eloped with his son’s girlfriend in March 2022. When the girl went missing, her family members lodged a case of kidnapping against unknown persons after which the Chakeri police started an investigation to locate the whereabouts of the missing girl. Meanwhile, police came to know about girl’s presence in Delhi through surveillance. The police swung into action and recovered the girl and also arrested Kamlesh. In-charge Chakeri police station Ratnesh Singh said that the girl had been missing since March 2022.