Aman Gupta recently attended a media event where even Prime Minister Narendra Modi was also present. Aman Gupta shared the video on his Instagram handle revealing how he wanted to click a selfie with Modiji but ended up doing something else.In the video, Aman is standing in a row with other officials and personalities while PM Modi is greeting everyone. Aman stood there folding his hand when PM Modi walked past him. He wrote, “When Modi Ji was right in front of me and I wanted that selfie badly but was so star-struck that I couldn’t ask for it, but wait… I kept folding my hands even after he left… … One Day…..”Aman was surely star-struck by Modi’s aura at the event, however, he affirms that one day he would actually ask Modiji for a picture and share it with his fans. Aman’s fan commented on the post, “My reaction would be the same when I’ll see you”.Another user motivated Aman in the SRK style, wrote, “Koshis karne valo ki kabhi har nahi hoti…agar tum koi bhi chiz pane me apni takat lagado to kayanat use mila hi deti hai”Aman often attends IIT summits, and in one of them, his fan from the students couldn’t ask for a selfie. Looking at the video, the student wrote, “Same waise hi jaise I couldn’t ask you for a selfie that day in IIT”Aman had been one of the coolest and most entertaining Sharks in the show. After season 2 wrapped, Aman has been posting some interesting moments of his life. He recently few in a private plane and wrote, “Never ever stop dreaming. I always dreamt of flying on a private plane. Bucket list thing. Done. Now hustling to achieve the next one.”