Mumbai, 1st May 2024: Amazon miniTV, Amazon’s free video streaming service, recently released its riveting coming-of-age teenage drama, Amber Girls School. The series follows Ojaswini as she moves from being a teenager to becoming an adult, delving into the difficulties of adolescence set against the backdrop of 2008. Produced by Reliance Entertainment Studios and directed by Rajlaxmi Ratan Seth, the series captures the clash between traditional values and the modern aspirations of young women. Along with bringing a compelling narrative of rebellion, self-discovery, and the pursuit of individuality, here are the top 5 reasons why Amber Girls School must be on your binge-watch list.
Dive into the captivating world of Amber Girls Schoolexclusively on Amazon miniTV, available on Amazon’s shopping app, Prime Video, Fire TV, Smart TVs, and Play Store!
About Amazon miniTV
Amazon miniTV is a free video streaming service that provides high quality entertainment, which you can watch anytime, anywhere. Always Entertaining. Always FREE!
● Exclusive shows and videos: Amazon miniTV is home to a cherry-picked collection of fresh, incredible and engaging stories and titles across multiple genres ranging from webseries, award-winning short films, reality shows and popular international shows dubbed in Hindi, Tamil and Telegu. These include popular titles like Half CA, Love Adhura, Badtameez Dil, Hunter, Half Love Half Arranged, Yeh Meri Family, Rakshak – India’s Braves, Physics Wallah, Rafta Rafta, Case Toh Banta Hai, Dehati Ladke, Sixer, Ishq Express, Highway Love, Gutar Gu, Crushed, Playground, among others. The content has been carefully curated to suit the varying entertainment preferences of today’s viewers.
● No subscription required: Amazon miniTV is absolutely free!
Instant access: Amazon miniTV is present on Amazon’s shopping app, which is India’s most trusted and largest online store. Just download the Amazon shopping app, click or search for ‘miniTV’ to view from thousands of titles available. Want to watch on the big screen? Then visit on your laptop, or on Prime Video, Fire TV, Xiaomi Smart TVs and Google TV. You can now also download the Amazon miniTV app on Play Store on your Android smartphone.
Industry recognition: Amazon miniTV’s content has received a lot of love from fans and the industry. Titles such as Physicswallah, Highway Love, Dehati Ladke, Hustlers, Crushed, Hunter, Half CA and Yeh Meri Family have featured in the ‘top 10 webseries’ lists across publications; our short film Shimmy won the People’s Choice Award for Best Actor and Critic’s Choice Award for Best Actor (Pratik Gandhi); Clean won best short film at IWM Buzz Awards 2022; Yatri Kripya Dhyan De was adjudged the best short film by Indian Television Academy; and our most loved high school drama Crushed was nominated at the 2022 Filmfare OTT Awards, to name a few.
The marketplace is operated by Amazon Seller Services Private Ltd, an affiliate of, Inc. (NASDAQ: AMZN). offers a single destination to customers to shop for millions of products, make payments with Amazon Pay, and watch free entertainment content with Amazon miniTV.
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